
Brief Overview of Outemu Blue Switches

The Outemu Blue switches have carved a niche for mechanical keyboards. These switches are known for their affordability and distinctive clicky sound, and they have become popular among typing enthusiasts and gamers.

Originating from China, the Outemu switches are often considered a budget-friendly alternative to the more expensive Cherry MX switches. Despite their lower price point, they do not compromise on the quality and performance that mechanical keyboard users have come to expect.

The Outemu Blue, in particular, stands out in the lineup. This switch is a clone of the Cherry MX Blue, one of the most popular switches in the mechanical keyboard market. It replicates the tactile and clicky feedback of the Cherry MX Blue, providing a satisfying typing experience that many love.

However, the Outemu Blue switches are not just a copy of their Cherry counterparts. They have the unique characteristics that set them apart. For instance, many users have noted that the Outemu Blue switches have a slightly higher actuation force, giving them more pronounced tactile feedback.

In the upcoming sections, we will delve deeper into the specifics of the Outemu Blue switches, including their design, functionality, and performance. Whether you’re a seasoned mechanical keyboard user or a newcomer, this comprehensive guide will provide all the information you need about these intriguing switches.

Stay tuned as we embark on this journey to explore the world of Outemu Blue switches.

History and Origin of Outemu Switches

The Rise of Cherry MX Clones

In the early days of mechanical keyboards, Cherry MX switches were the gold standard. Known for their quality and reliability, they were the go-to choice for most users. However, as the demand for mechanical keyboards grew, so did the need for more affordable alternatives. It led to the rise of Cherry MX clones, including the Outemu switches.

Outemu, a Chinese manufacturer, saw an opportunity in the market and began producing their line of switches. These switches, while similar in design and function to the Cherry MX switches, were offered at a significantly lower price point. It made them an attractive option for users on a budget or those looking to experiment with different switch types without breaking the bank.

Outemu’s Place in the Mechanical Keyboard Market

Among the various Cherry MX clones, Outemu switches have stood out. Despite their lower price, they have earned a decent quality and performance reputation. The Outemu Blue, in particular, has been a hit among users thanks to its satisfying clicky feedback and tactile feel.

Today, Outemu has established its place in the mechanical keyboard market. While they may not have the same prestige as Cherry MX, they have proven that good performance and affordability can go hand in hand. Whether you’re building your first mechanical keyboard or looking to try something new, Outemu switches are worth considering.

In the following sections, we will examine the Outemu Blue switches, exploring their design, performance, and how they stack up against their Cherry MX Blue counterparts. Stay tuned for a detailed analysis and review of these magnetic switches.

Detailed Analysis of Outemu Blue Switches

The Design and Functionality of Outemu Blue

The Outemu Blue switches are designed to provide tactile and clicky feedback, similar to Cherry MX Blue’s. They have a transparent housing, allowing your keyboard’s vibrant backlighting to shine through. The stem of the switch, which is responsible for the actuation of the keystrokes, is colored blue, hence the name.

Functionally, the Outemu Blue is a clicky switch, producing a distinct click sound when the key is pressed. This sound is accompanied by a tactile bump, providing physical feedback that the keystroke has been registered. This combination of auditory and tactile feedback makes typing on Outemu Blue switches a satisfying experience for many users.

The actuation force of the Outemu Blue is slightly higher than that of the Cherry MX Blue. It means you must apply more pressure to register a keystroke. Some users prefer this, as it can help prevent accidental keystrokes.

Comparing Outemu Blue with Cherry MX Blue

The Outemu Blue switches offer a similar typing experience compared to Cherry MX Blue. Both switches are tactile and clicky and have a similar actuation point. However, there are a few differences that set them apart.

One of the main differences is the sound. The click produced by the Outemu Blue is slightly higher pitched than that of the Cherry MX Blue. Some users find this sound more satisfying, while others prefer the lower pitch of the Cherry MX Blue.

In terms of feel, the Outemu Blue has a slightly more pronounced tactile bump. It gives stronger feedback when the key is actuated, which some users prefer. However, this also means the keys might feel slightly heavier to press.

Lastly, there’s the price. Outemu switches are generally more affordable than Cherry MX switches. It makes them an excellent option for users on a budget or those who want to experiment with different switch types without spending too much.

In the following sections, we will delve deeper into the performance of the Outemu Blue switches, looking at their smoothness, weighting, sound, and overall typing and gaming performance. Stay tuned for a comprehensive review.

Performance Evaluation

The smoothness of Outemu Blue Switches

Regarding the smoothness of keystrokes, the Outemu Blue switches perform quite well. Despite being a clicky switch, typically less smooth than linear switches, the Outemu Blue offers a reasonably smooth keystroke. It is particularly noticeable when pressing keys directly in the center. Off-center keypresses might feel scratchy, but this is a common characteristic of most mechanical switches, not just the Outemu Blue.

Weighting and Sound Characteristics

The weighting of the Outemu Blue switches is slightly heavier than some other switches, including the Cherry MX Blue. It is due to the higher actuation force required to register a keystroke. Some users find this a positive feature, as it can help prevent accidental keypresses.

In terms of sound, the Outemu Blue produces a distinct, high-pitched click. This sound is a bit louder and higher pitched than the Cherry MX Blue, which some users find more satisfying. However, sound preference can be highly subjective, so this might only be a positive feature for some.

Typing Performance: A Detailed Review

Typing on the Outemu Blue switches is a unique experience. The combination of tactile feedback and audible click makes typing feel responsive and satisfying. However, due to the higher actuation force, typing might feel heavy, especially for those used to lighter switches. It could lead to faster fatigue during extended typing sessions.

Gaming Performance: Is Outemu Blue a Good Choice?

Regarding gaming, the **Outemu Blue switches ** may not be the first choice for most gamers. The high actuation force and tactile bump can slow down rapid key presses, which can be a disadvantage in fast-paced games. The loud clicking sound might also be distracting in a quiet gaming environment.

However, for casual gaming or games that don’t require rapid, repeated keypresses, the Outemu Blue can be a decent choice. The tactile feedback can be helpful in games where each keypress counts, indicating that the key has been actuated.

In the following sections, we will look at user experiences and reviews of the Outemu Blue switches and provide a buying guide for those interested in trying them out. Stay tuned for more.

User Experiences and Reviews

What Do Users Say About Outemu Blue?

The Outemu Blue switches have received mixed reviews from users. On the one hand, many users appreciate the affordability of these switches and find the tactile feedback and clicky sound satisfying. They are often praised for their decent quality and performance, especially considering their lower price than other mechanical switches.

While satisfying for some, the loud click sound can be considered too loud or annoying by others. However, some users have pointed out that the Outemu Blue switches can feel scratchy, especially on off-center keypresses. The higher actuation force can also lead to faster fatigue during long typing sessions.

Despite these criticisms, the consensus among users is that the Outemu Blue switches offer good value for money. They are often recommended to beginners just getting into mechanical keyboards or anyone looking for a budget-friendly alternative to Cherry MX switches.

Comparing User Experiences: Outemu Blue vs. Cherry MX Blue

When comparing user experiences between the Outemu Blue and the Cherry MX Blue, it’s clear that both switches have their own set of fans. Some users prefer the Outemu Blue for its more pronounced tactile bump and higher-pitched click sound. Others like the Cherry MX Blue for its smoother keystrokes and lower actuation force.

In terms of build quality, Cherry MX switches are generally considered superior. However, many users agree that the Outemu switches offer decent quality for their price. Some users even claim they couldn’t distinguish between the two in a blind test.

Ultimately, the choice between Outemu Blue and Cherry MX Blue primarily comes from personal preference and budget. Both switches offer a satisfyingly tactile and clicky typing experience, but each has unique characteristics that set them apart.

In the following sections, we will provide a buying guide for the Outemu Blue switches and give our final verdict on whether they are worth considering. Stay tuned for more.

Buying Guide

Where to Purchase Outemu Blue Switches

Outemu Blue switches can be purchased from various online retailers. Some popular options include Amazon, eBay, and AliExpress. These platforms offer a wide range of mechanical keyboards featuring Outemu Blue and standalone switches for those interested in building their keyboard or modifying an existing one.

In addition to these online marketplaces, Outemu Blue switches are available in specialized keyboard and electronics stores. These stores offer a wider range of options and may provide more detailed product descriptions and user reviews.

Before making a purchase, it’s always a good idea to compare prices across different platforms and check the seller’s ratings and reviews. It can help ensure you get a good deal and buy from a reputable seller.

Price Comparison: Outemu Blue vs. Other Switches

Regarding price, the Outemu Blue switches are generally more affordable than many other mechanical switches, including the Cherry MX Blue. It makes them an excellent option for users on a budget or those who want to experiment with different switch types without spending too much.

However, it’s important to note that the price can vary depending on the specific product and seller. For example, a high-end mechanical keyboard featuring Outemu Blue switches might be more expensive than a budget keyboard with Cherry MX Blue switches. Similarly, the price of standalone switches can vary depending on the quantity and whether they are sold individually or in packs.

Ultimately, price is essential, but it shouldn’t be the only one. The performance, build quality, and user reviews are important considerations when choosing a mechanical switch.

In the next section, we will provide our final verdict on the Outemu Blue switches and whether they are worth considering. Stay tuned for more.


Final Verdict: Is Outemu Blue Worth It?

After a comprehensive review of the Outemu Blue switches, it’s clear that they offer a unique value proposition in the mechanical keyboard market. They provide a tactile and clicky typing experience similar to the more expensive Cherry MX Blue but at a significantly lower price point.

The Outemu Blue switches are an excellent option for those on a budget or those looking to experiment with different switch types without making a significant investment. They also suit users who prefer a more pronounced tactile bump and a louder click sound.

However, there might be better choices for some. Some users might find the higher actuation force tiring during long typing sessions, and the loud click sound might not be to everyone’s liking. Additionally, while the build quality of the Outemu switches is decent for their price, it might need to be on par with more premium switches.

Ultimately, choosing Outemu Blue switches primarily concerns personal preference and budget. If you’re looking for a budget-friendly alternative to Cherry MX switches, or if you’re curious about the unique characteristics of the Outemu Blue, they are worth considering.

Remember, the best way to determine if a switch is right for you is to try it yourself. So, if you have the opportunity, try the Outemu Blue switches. You might find your new favorite switch.

Are Outemu Blue switches loud?

Yes, Outemu Blue switches are known for their distinctive clicky sound, louder than many other types of switches. This sound is produced when the key is actuated, providing auditory feedback that the keystroke has been registered.

Are Outemu Blue switches good for gaming?

The suitability of Outemu Blue switches for gaming largely depends on personal preference and the type of game. The tactile feedback and clicky sound can be satisfying, but the higher actuation force can slow down rapid key presses, which might be a disadvantage in fast-paced games.

How long does Outemu Blue switch last?

Outemu Blue switches are rated for 50 million keystrokes, which is on par with many other mechanical switches. However, the actual lifespan can vary depending on usage and care.

Can I replace Outemu Blue switches with other switches?

Yes, you can replace Outemu Blue switches with other switches, as long as the keyboard supports switch replacement. However, remember that Outemu switches have slightly larger pins than other switches, so you might need to modify the sockets on the keyboard or the pins on the replacement switches.

Are Outemu Blue switches heavier than Cherry MX Blue switches?

Yes, Outemu Blue switches require a slightly higher actuation force than Cherry MX Blue switches, making them feel heavier to press. Some users prefer this, as it provides more pronounced tactile feedback.

Where are Outemu Blue switches made?

Outemu Blue switches are made in China. They are among the many “Cherry MX clones” Chinese manufacturers produce.

Remember, the best way to determine if a switch is right for you is to try it yourself. So, if you have the opportunity, try the Outemu Blue switches. You might find your new favorite switch.